Valet Parking

Fire Extinguishers Services in Gurugram Delhi NCR

If you don’t need full standby cover at your event or production, then short term hire of fire extinguishers is the obvious answer. We have often found with productions and events that don’t have specific fire risks, the preferred option is to have a range of fire extinguishers available or have them strategically placed on site. This option provides the crew, locations and event with a basic fire fighting ability that could prove invaluable should the worst happen!
You can hire any type of fire extinguishers, for any period of time for events and functions.

Types of fire extinguisher-

Water Extinguishers-

Water remains one of the most effective fire-extinguishing agents we have, from the humble fire bucket to today’s more sophisticated water fire extinguishers. Water extinguishers should only be used where they work best, on Class A fires, sometimes called ordinary combustible fires. Paper, wood, fabrics, furniture, indeed most things you’ll have stored in your home or office, will provide the fuel for a Class A fire. Water conducts electricity, so water fire extinguishers should never be used in a situation where there are live electricity cables or electrical appliances. They are best paired with another extinguisher that is suitable for use on electrical equipment fires, such as a CO2.

Foam extinguishers-

Foam fire extinguishers have come a long way in 30 years. The original foam was thick, gloopy and smelled appalling, due to its high animal protein content. Modern Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) fire extinguishers are another breed altogether, one of the best all-round units available. Foam extinguishers are red with a cream panel above the operating instructions.

Foam is extremely effective on Class A fires, involving paper, wood, textiles etc, so they are a good choice for a general office or location fire extinguisher They are particularly great on manmade furnishings, where the fibers in the fabrics might otherwise liquify in the heat of the fire. When used on flammable liquid fires (Class B), the foam forms a film that prevents re-ignition of the flammable liquids by sealing the liquids away from oxygen in the air.

Co2 Extinguishers-

CO2 fire extinguishers (carbon dioxide) are the only fire extinguisher recommended for fires involving electrical equipment. CO2 is safe to use on and around electrical equipment, as the gas itself is non-conductive, and once used, there is no sticky foam or messy powder left behind. They are also effective on Class B fires (flammable liquids).

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are painted bright red with a black panel above the operating instructions. They have a distinctive horn-shaped nozzle at the side on the smaller models with 5kgs and above having a hose and horn. CO2 fire extinguishers should not be used on Class D fires, involving flammable metals. The CO2 gas can react with some volatile metals, and as with other non-D rated extinguishers, can also blow burning metal over a wide area, making the situation worse. Co2 extinguishers are the most popular with film units, due to the low secondary damage caused when used. If paired with a foam extinguisher 4 out of 5 fire categories are covered.

Powder extinguishers-

Dry powder fire extinguishers are excellent all-round fire extinguishers, often recommended for use on vehicles and in the home. All powder fire extinguishers are red with a blue panel, are either ABC or BC rated and are safe to be used on fires involving electrical equipment. Dry powder extinguishers are not suitable for use in enclosed spaces such as offices, hotels, schools, etc, as the fire-fighting agent creates a cloud that can obscure vision, the contents may also create breathing problems. Unfortunately ABC rated extinguishers do have a major drawback. Ammonium phosphate can react with any water present to form phosphoric acid, which is corrosive and can seep into even the slightest cracks in electrical equipment. For this reason, dry chemical ABC rated fire extinguishers should not be used on sensitive electrical equipment such as computers, switch installations, scientific instruments or aircraft, if other fire extinguishing options are available. In the event of an emergency when only a dry powder fire extinguisher is available, however, always remember that electrical equipment can be replaced, life cannot.

Wet chemical extinguishers-

Wet chemical fire extinguishers are the new kids on the fire extinguisher scene, developed specifically for use on deep fat cooking fires.

Wet chemical fire extinguishers are red with a yellow panel above the operating instructions.The active ingredient in a wet chemical fire extinguisher is potassium acetate, often with added potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. When operated, a wet chemical extinguisher creates a fine mist, which cools the flames and prevents splashing. The potassium salts then have a saponification effect on the oil’s surface, creating a thick, slippery foam layer that smothers the fat and prevents re-ignition. The chemical foam will also cool the fat over a prolonged period of time .Unlike other extinguishers, the idea is to completely empty the contents into the fat fryer to enable the cooling process to begin.

Wet chemical fire extinguishers have a very specific function, and are not suitable for other fire types except Class A fires if no other extinguisher is available.

Fire extinguisher stands-

We have a range of fire extinguisher stands available to accompany our extinguishers. Stands highlight the location of fire extinguishers and also have a label attached displaying the extinguisher type and its uses. Stands also keep fire extinguishers tidily in their place and can help prevent damage to the extinguishers.